Thursday, January 29, 2009

In the dark and I am the guru

this blog will be all lowercase. this might drive my friend sarah nuts - she edits my blogs to make sure they are typo free - ha!

so i am sitting in the dark right now - i just meditated for five minutes - i did one recommended by sarah (talented meditation teacher and practitioner) called shamata. basically you focus on one point. and keep bringing yourself back to this focus. i keep getting these messages from the universe about meditating - from sarah, people showing up who are into this stuff. so i will try it for one month from this day.

during the meditation i heard lots of noises, was distracted many times by thoughts of money, my family, a boy i liked who i haven't heard from, wondered when the meditation would end. but i did feel a sense of peace being with myself.

i am not going to overthink this. i am just going to write what comes up for me. i don't know if i want to write about it all here - i will decide as i go.

that's it for now. except for this thought - what i am experiencing is this and this didn't come from the meditation - we've got teachers and mentors we learn from - but we are each our own guru - i finally get this and embrace it.

do you meditate? tell me more.


Sarah T. said...

Hi there,
My name is Sarah. To answer your bloggy blog's question, why yes, I do meditate!
And my biggest insights come *after* I meditate - when I am just walking around, washing dishes, leaving comments on people's blogs. May this month be a lovely, gentle adventure...

FitFanatic LA said...

Great topic, my friend. I LOVE to meditate! I find that sitting still, with my eyes closed, even if only for 2 minutes a day, brings the much-needed space and perspective from the chaos around me. Once my mind relaxes, the feeling that 'everything is OK' fills me up and simply reinforces the control we have over our own actions and which thoughts we choose to invest in. We are MUCH more powerful than we realize!