Monday, February 9, 2009

frustration = breakthrough

i am frustrated right now with a few things in my life. but what i continue to learn is that if i reach out and share what i am dealing with friends and even strangers - i learn that i am not alone with my pain or frustration - that everyone has gone through something similar and can relate. this helps me not sit in the feeling for too long and to take action.

here's one more thing - tony robbins - peak performance coach - says that when we are frustrated we are about to have a breakthrough. here's what i think my breakthrough is to get me through it all, including relationships - i am going to operate from love and not fear with people - because i think that makes me more truthful and vulnerable and ultimately creates more intimacy. fear clouds my mind and makes me hesitate on what i really want to say and who i really am.

so from fear to love is theme - that is all i have right now - hope this makes some sense.
